Suti Festival 2022

Suti is an intimate, forward-thinking gathering focused on nurturing artistic self-expression. We will enjoy a diverse range of manifestations of cutting edge psychedelic culture and deepen our connections with ourselves, each other and the spirit of transformation that is shifting the global conversation.

At its best, festival culture provides a vehicle for healing. We co-create safe spaces in which we can open ourselves and form meaningful connection with others. We find inspiration and knowledge useful for pursuing life-paths that feel more authentic to us and more connected to who we really are. We catch glimpses of what human culture could become as we reclaim our collective heart.

We unify in bubbles of positive energy and heal rifts, both inner and outer, through the age-old vehicle of celebration. We sense a lineage back to our most distant ancestors, kicking up dust in the moonlight, celebrating their humanity and place within the cosmos.

The following ticket selling phases will be available:

  • Phase 1 (until May 8th or 200 tickets): €80.00
  • Phase 2 (May 9th to August 8th or 600 tickets): €100.00
  • At the event gate: €120.00.
  • Children under 12 don't need a ticket

Ticket prices will be adjusted accordingly on this page, for each of the phases.

Tickets are no longer being sold online, you can still purchase your ticket at the event gate.

Where does the event happen? Praia Fluvial O Moinho
Castelo Branco

When does the event happen?
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